Winter 2025
- CPS188: Computer Programming Fundamentals
- CN8816: Network Security (grad course-Computer Networks)
Some Past Undergraduate Courses:
- CPS633: Computer Security
- CPS706: Computer Networks I
- CPS118: Introductory Programming for Scientists
- CPS883: Compilers and Translators
- CPS125: Digital Computation and Programming
- MTH 108: Linear Algebra
- MTH 101: Formal Languages
- CPS510: Database I
- CPS090: Introduction to Computers and Computing
- CPS118: Introductory Programming for Scientists
- CPS 40A/B: Thesis Project
- CPS713: Applied Cryptography
- CPS633: Computer Security
- CPS125: Digital Computation and Programming
- CPS412: Social Issues, Ethics and Professionalism
- CPS305: Data Structures
- CPS125: Digital Computation and Programming
- CPS406: Introduction to Software Engineering
- CKDF120: Computer Cryptography and Digital Stenography
- CKDF150: Digital Forensics Investigation
- CKDF140: Security Architecture and Design
- CSC423H5S: Computer Forensics (UoT, Mississauga)
- Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (UTech Jamaica)
Some Past Graduate Courses:
- CN8825: Network Design
- CP8301: Secure Computing
- CP8313: Directed Studies-Networks
- CP8207: Special Topics: Core Computer Science – Computer Networks II
- CP8309: Special Topics: Emerging Comp Science - Computational Intelligence
- CN8816: Network Security
This site
is maintained by Isaac Woungang.
Last Modified: October 2023