
Lab 1

Toronto Metropolitan University University

CS Moons Unix Environment

Due: September 11


In this course you will be developing an interpreter for a high-level language. You will do this development in stages, all on the moon servers, which are the UNIX systems administered by the Department of Computer Science. In this lab you will get started working on the moons to be sure that you do not encounter system and account hurdles when you start working on your first assignment.


You can do this lab on your own or during one of the lab periods in the first week of classes. If you think that you will need any assistance either with your account or the technology, which is likely to be the case if you have not logged in to the moons recently, please attend one of the labs because the course TA and system administrators will be able to assist you. The labs are scheduled on: Here is what you have to do for this lab:
  1. Please review the System Information for the Moons Servers

  2. Login to the moons. If you are doing this lab using the computers in on the CS labs, please use MobaXterm, which is installed there. If you are using your own computer be sure to install an SSH client to do so.

  3. You will now run the UNIX "finger" command on yourself and save the output in a file called "name". Here is the UNIX command to do so, where userid is the userid you logged into the moons with.
      finger userid > name
    finger is a useful UNIX utility. If you've never used it before, check it out by typing:
      man finger

  4. Submit the "name" file you just created in step 3. The submission process is explained in Submission of Course Work page in the section called "Submission Process". You only need to submit one file in this lab, so you can skip the zipping stage. Simply put, all you have to do is to type:
      submit-cps710 name
    The submission information page explains how you can check that your file has been properly submitted if you want to do so.

  5. If you did all this work in the CS labs, you should also install an SSH client like MobaXterm on your own system so that you can work remotely on the assignments in this course.
That's it for this lab! You now know how to use your moons account, login to it, submit work, and you have organized the technology you will need to develop the assignments in the course.

You've also given us your name, which is information we will need to properly record your grades for the assignments you will submit on the moons in this course. Thank you.

This page is maintained by Sophie Quigley (cps710@cs.torontomu.ca)
Last modified Sunday, 01-Sep-2024 16:38:05 EDT