CPS710 |
Submission of Course Work |
You can submit the same file as often as you want: the new copy will simply replace the old copy. If you do, be aware that the date stamp for the file will be that of the new copy.
You can check your submissions by simply typing check-submit-cps710
You can also retrieve any document from your submissions directory using the get-submit-cps710 command which works somewhat like a cp command: e.g. if you want to retrieve a document called filename from your submissions directory and place a copy in destination-folder, just type
get-submit-cps710 filename destination-folder
Note that this does not delete the document in your submissions directory - it only copies it.
Solutions will not be posted for the last three programming assignments. However, their due date will be set to give you as much time as possible while making it possible to evaluate them in time to calculate final course grades. For this reason late submissions will not be allowed. However, students who wish to improve their grades will be able to resubmit these three assignments. Details will be provided about the dates and resubmission process at the end of the semester. It is recommended that students who run out of time at the end of the semester focus on submitting work for C and B level objectives on time before allocating time to A level objectives.