
Submission of Course Work

Toronto Metropolitan University University

Due Times

All the due times for all the submissions have been set at 11:59pm on the day the work is due.

Submission of Labs

If you want to submit a lab after the due date has passed, you can find out whether to submit on Crowdmark or D2L by checking the tab called "4: Submission Details" of your Google sheet to see whether the TA has completely finished dealing with all the original submissions of an assessment. If that is the case, they will indicate the date at which this first pass was completed in the column called "Feedback posted".

Submission of Programming Assignments

Before Submitting Assignments

The assignments will be marked by
  1. recompiling the source files you submit on moon.cs.torontomu.ca using the javac and javacc programs running on that computer.
  2. running marking scripts on moon.cs.torontomu.ca.
All the scripts needed to do this will be posted before the assignment is due. Please make sure that your assignments compile and run properly on moon.cs.torontomu.ca before you submit them. Assignments that do not compile and run properly on moon.cs.torontomu.ca cannot be assessed and you will therefore not be able to meet their associated learning objectives if that is the case.

Submission Process

To submit assignments electronically on the moons:
  1. Zip the entire Java folder in one zip file using the name specified in the assignment; for example A1.zip for the first assignment.
    The moons have a zip program that you can use to do this. To get details on its functionality, type man zip
    Simply put, the first parameter to zip is the name of the destination zip file (with no extension) and the other parameters are the full names of the files that will be zipped up.
    For example if you are asked to zip files HL.jj and Token.java into a zip file called A1.zip, then you would type
    zip A1 HL.jj Token.java

  2. From one of the moons, run submit-cps710 filename. For example submit-cps710 A1.zip (Please note that "submit-cps710" is one word: there is no blank before the minus sign)

    You can submit the same file as often as you want: the new copy will simply replace the old copy. If you do, be aware that the date stamp for the file will be that of the new copy.

    You can check your submissions by simply typing check-submit-cps710

    You can also retrieve any document from your submissions directory using the get-submit-cps710 command which works somewhat like a cp command: e.g. if you want to retrieve a document called filename from your submissions directory and place a copy in destination-folder, just type
    get-submit-cps710 filename destination-folder
    Note that this does not delete the document in your submissions directory - it only copies it.

Late Submissions and Resubmissions

The first three programming assignments cannot be submitted late or resubmitted. The reason for this is that you will be gradually building an interpreter in your assignments and they will depend on each other. To make sure that nobody falls behind, solutions to the first three assignments will be posted right after the due date of each assignment. Alternate problems will be provided to make up some of the missed C and B learning outcomes for these assignments.

Solutions will not be posted for the last three programming assignments. However, their due date will be set to give you as much time as possible while making it possible to evaluate them in time to calculate final course grades. For this reason late submissions will not be allowed. However, students who wish to improve their grades will be able to resubmit these three assignments. Details will be provided about the dates and resubmission process at the end of the semester. It is recommended that students who run out of time at the end of the semester focus on submitting work for C and B level objectives on time before allocating time to A level objectives.

This page is maintained by Sophie Quigley (cps710@cs.torontomu.ca)
Last modified Monday, 26-Aug-2024 22:50:22 EDT