This course uses
Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
for lab1, the assignment, the modules, and optionally the project.
We will be able to assess your work as long as you use one of the two versions
supported in the course:
- Visual Studio Enterprise 17.10.3 running .NET 4.8.09037
is installed in the Computer Science labs.
- If you prefer to use your own Microsoft Windows computer, your can download
Visual Studio 2022 Community for free from
Microsoft web site.
If you do so, you will need to install the .NET desktop development component
and Visual Basic.
Note that the two versions are mostly compatible, but there are some undocumented differences
between them and you may find that whatever you develop in one version may not be quite the same
in the other.
If you do not want to run into trouble, do not change versions during your development.
Also, for teamwork such as the project, make sure that all team members use the same version.
If you are unable to install Visual Studio on your system (Linux of MacOS)
you can access remotely the Computer Science lab environment using the Virtual Desktop Infratrusture (VDI).
- You must first request access to do so by sending a request
from your email to
stating your name, student id, userid, course number (cps613 or cp8205),
and the operating system you are using (MacOS or LINUX).
- Once you have this access,
VDI Access.pdf explains how to use it.
Be aware that whatever you save on this desktop will be wiped out as you log out.
To keep your work, make sure that you save it in your own directory, which is drive H: