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Kerberos 5 is a authentication and privacy package
that provides a means of protecting passwords and other user data
from third-party sniffing on a network between two hosts. It does
this using "tickets" to provide a secure authentication mechanism
and strong encryption of network traffic. Kerberos provides replacements
for many of the standard Unix network utilities (e.g. telnet, ftp,
rlogin, rsh) as well a library to allow adding Kerberos security
to arbitrary programs.
Department Of Computer
Science Specific Information
The Department of Computer Science had implemented Kerberos authentication
from the day it moved to Windows XP in the labs, in an effort to
move towards single-sign-on. The password being used on the Windows
Domain is a kerberos password and it is the same password to use
on any of the Linux servers, mail, web, gdm, and ....
Starting Kinit
The first thing you need to do is get a Kerberos
ticket. You will do this with the kinit program. When you run kinit
you will be prompted for your Kerberos password, which you may also
know as your Windows password. Please note that some client utilities
will get your initial credentials as part of the login process. Your
Kerberos ticket is an encrypted piece of data that is used to authenticate
you to other hosts and services over the network. It allows you to
login to other hosts without having to type your password again.
It serves as your authentication. Using it you can log into any number
of hosts as many times as you like and you will never be prompted
for a password.
Ticket Expiration
All Kerberos tickets have a built in expiration time
after which they are no longer valid. This is to help prevent a ticket
from being used by someone it's not intended to. It does this in
two ways. First if a ticket inadvertently gets left somewhere it
will expire on it's own, reducing the chances of someone coming along
and finding a good ticket. Second, if someone does manage to get
a hold of a good ticket, it's only good for so long before it becomes
worthless to them.
At The Department of Computer Science all tickets expire after 24 hours. If you try to use an expired ticket you'll get errors of the sort "ticket has expired". What this means is that you'll have to run kinit again to renew your credentials.
Check Ticket
The klist program shows your Kerberos ticket and
when it expires. man klist will show more detailed information on
Change Password
The kpasswd program will allow you to change your
Kerberos password provided you know the old one. man kpasswd will
show more detailed information on kpasswd
Kerberos & Apache
Apache has a module "Mod_auth_kerb" to
provide kerberos authentication to the Apache web server. This module
is beneficial to users of Computer Science facilities as it eliminates
the process of creating and maintaining an htpasswd for those directories
that need protections. It is used by adding "AuthType KerberosV5" in
.htaccess file. As for the user restriction, it's entirely up to
your discretion to allow a single user or a group of user to access
the secure directory.
Example of .htaccess file content:
AuthName "Kerberos Login"
AuthType KerberosV5 require valid-user The previous example will authenticate valid Computer Science users, using their kerberos password. If successful, access granted.
Windows Specific
Q) How to change kerberos password? A) Login to any Windows machine, then press CTRL-ALT-DEL and select change password Linux Specific Q) How to change kerberos password? A) If password is NOT expired login to any Linux server, through ssh or gdm, and from command line type kpasswd. If password is expired login to any Linux server, through ssh or gdm, and you will be asked to change it.
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