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Course Outline

CPS590: Introduction to Operating Systems

. Check page periodically

Students are responsible for checking the D2L Announcements daily and following all instructions so transmitted.

All typos, inconsistencies, etc.: Any such anomalies shall be resolved solely at the instructor's discretion.

Dr. Woit (Sections 1-5)
Dept. of Computer Science, Toronto Metropolitan University
Office: ENG277
Tel: 416-979-5000, x7063
Email: dwoit at torontomu dot ca (see Course Email Policy below)          
Office Hours: Thu 1110-1200 (Zoom) by appointment (email Woit)
Dr. Melo Dos Santos (Sections 6-10)
Dept. of Computer Science, Toronto Metropolitan University
Office: ENG242
Tel: 416-979-5000, x553205
Email: glaucia at torontomu dot ca (see Course Email Policy below)          
Office Hours: Wed 310-400 Zoom Link
TAs Jorge Lopez jlopez@torontomu.ca (Section 1,2,3 lab) (Lead TA)
Monty Gole mgole@torontomu.ca (Section 5,6,8,9 labs)
Elham Amini elham1.amini@torontomu.ca (Section 4,7 lab)
Prerequisites CPS 393, CPS 305
Calendar Description Introduction to O/S (system calls, interrupts, synchronous and asynchronous traps, O/S structure), using processes (process communication and synchronization), primitive communications (signals and signal management calls), pipes, messages, semaphores, shared memory, memory management, file systems, and (time permitting) remote procedure calls.
Compulsory Textbook
Operating Systems; Intervals and Design Principles. William Stallings. Either 8th or 9th Edition.
The 9th Ed is available in e-text or print from the publisher
Used print versions abound.
Reference (not required): references of your choice for ANSI C and Bash, such as:
C Reference Card
Teaching Methods and Course Schedule Each week, students attend:
  • Scheduled Lectures
    • Provide a more theoretical treatment of the topics covered.
    • Sections 1-5 (Woit): Occur in the scheduled classroom, using a live, projected Zoom session. Students may also attend lecture out-of-classroom by joining the live Zoom session.
    • Sections 6-10 (Melo): Occur in the scheduled classroom.
  • Scheduled Labs
    • Provide practical experience and TA guidance.
    • Occur live, in-person, in the scheduled lab-room only, with TA in attendance.
Tests and Exam are written:
  • in person, in lab rooms TBA,
  • using D2L and/or using computing environment similar to CS moons, but without networking capabilities (no internet, no ssh, no email, etc.)

Tentative Weekly Schedule:

Week Lecture Lab Tests
Week 1 (week of Jan 13) Outline and Ch1 no lab
Week 2 (week of Jan 20) Ch2 Lab 01
Week 3 (week of Jan 27) Ch3 Lab 02
Week 4 (week of Feb 03) Ch4 Lab 03 28% TEST 1 (Ch 1-2) on Sat Feb 08 12-3pm
Week 5 (week of Feb 10) Start Ch5 Lab 04
Study Week (week of Feb 17) no lecture no lab
Week 6 (week of Feb 24) Ch5 Ctd. Lab 05
Week 7 (week of Mar 03) Ch5 End. Start Ch6 Lab 06
Week 8 (week of Mar 10) Ch6 Ctd. Lab 07 28% TEST 2 (Ch 3-4) on Sat Mar 15 12-3pm
Week 9 (week of Mar 17) Ch6 Lab 08
Week 10 (week of Mar 24) Ch7 Start Ch8 Lab 09
Week 11 (week of Mar 31) Ch8 Ctd. Lab 10
Week 12 (week of Apr 07) Ch8 End. Start Ch9 no lab

Learning Objectives The student will be able to identify, create, implement, employ, manipulate, and reason about the OS topics and algorithms studied, within the context of the procedural paradigm, and specifically, ANSI C and Linux Operating System. The student will be able to solve the problems from the text, from class and labs, other similar problems, and those that build upon them.
Synopsis of Academic Focus and Scope The course will present both a theoretical and practical treatment of introductory-level Operating Systems.
Course Evaluation
Term Work Weight Date
Test 1 (Ch 1-2) 28% Sat Feb 08
Test 2 (Ch 3-4) 28% Sat Mar 15
Exam (cumulative) 37% Exam Period
Labs Marks* 07% Lab answers due Mon after corresponding Lab (noon)
For due dates see: /usr/courses/cps590/Labs/LAB_DUE_DATES_AND_SUBMITTING
100% Exam 100% If Exam mark is greater than weighted average above
To Pass the Course obtain at least 50% of the weighted average of the 3 tests OR 50% on Exam
  • Take place in-person, in your scheduled lab time/room. TAs attend to provide help.
  • During a lab, you
    • work on lab questions for that week (under: /usr/courses/cps590/Labs/)
    • do your lab check-in (which must be completed DURING your scheduled lab time, from within your scheduled lab room.) Instructions are in /usr/courses/cps590/Labs/LAB_CHECK_INS
  • Each lab requires one or more submissions. Submission instructions are in: /usr/courses/cps590/Labs/SUBMITTING. A lab's submissions are due by MONDAY AT NOON the week following the lab.
  • Lab solutions are NOT provided; however, your TA can help you check your answers after submission, time permitting.
  • The Lead TA is: Jorge Lopez jlopez@torontomu.ca
*Lab Marks
  • Labs marks have 2 components:
    1. Lab check-ins (as above)
    2. Lab submissions (as above)
  • During the term, you do your check-ins, and submit required answers, without knowledge of which will count toward Lab Marks.
  • At end of term, we will announce which check-ins and which submissions count, as follows:
  • Lab mark is some combination of CheckIns (C%) and marked lab submissions (S%) , where
    The exact weighting of C and S is not provided in advance. Examples of possible C and S weightings are:
    • C worth 7%, S worth 0% (100% CheckIn based)
    • C worth 3.5%, S worth 3.5% (50% CheckIns and 50% marked submissions)
    • C worth 0%, S worth 7% (100% marked submissions)
    • etc.
  • Calculating S: By the end of term, you will have submitted answers to many individual lab questions. At end of term, one or more of these answers will selected for grading, and their grades will combine equally for S. Selected answers must have been submitted by their given due dates in order to be eligible for grading.
  • Calculating C: By the end of term, it is expected you will have done ≤10 CheckIns. At end of term, one or more CheckIns will be selected to combine equally for C.
Educational Technology Students are required to use bash shell and gcc C-compiler on Computer Science moons for all course work.
Evaluation Guidelines
  • Official evaluation marks are recorded on D2L only.
  • Evaluations written in pencil (when applicable) will never be re-evaluated.
  • Any error in grading must be brought to the attention of the grader for that evaluation (e.g., TA or instructor) within 24 hours of evaluation being returned (papers handed back for written evaluations, electronic posting of grade for electronic evaluations.) Students must report grading errors using the re-evaluation form provided on D2L.
  • Normally, email/see your own lab TA if you have any questions regarding labs, marking, etc.
  • To escalate the issue, email/see the Lead TA, who has final authority on all lab and marking issues.
    • The Lead TA is: Jorge Lopez jlopez@torontomu.ca
  • Final Exam is cumulative (covers material from tests).
  • Late submissions of any course work are not accepted.
Missed Evaluations and Deadlines
  • Normally receive a mark of zero. This is the case when a student submits an undocumented ACR, since only documented ACRs are accepted in CPS590.
  • Medical certificates: If a student misses a submission deadline, or an evaluation, they must submit a Student Health Certificate AND an Academic Consideration Request (ACR) within 3 working days of the missed date. For ACR submission and requirements, see TMU Senate Policy
  • Make-ups/re-weightings: Even when a documented ACR is submitted and verified, instructor is not required to provide a make-up or re-weighting, and may assign zero. In special circumstances, instructor may allow a single grade re-weighting, or a single make-up evaluation, given a verified, documented ACR. Make-up evaluations may not have identical format, although material covered will be the same.
  • If more than one ACR is submitted in a term, the student will be required to meet with the CS Program Director, who will investigate the issue, and may require a change to the student's course of studies. This meeting is automatically triggered by the second ACR, as per CS departmental policy.
  • If the missed evaluation is the final exam, students are required, in addition to the forms mentioned above, to petition the instructor for an INC grade with the Incomplete Grade Request Form. To be allowed to write the makeup exam, you must send a completed Incomplete Grade Request Form to the instructor within 3 days of the exam, and have a verified, documented Academic Consideration Request. Without all these in place, the CS Department will not allow you in the room to write the makeup exam.
Course Email Policy
  • Emails relating to submissions are not accepted within the 24hr period before the deadline. It is expected that by 24hrs before the deadline, you will have already completed most/all of the work. If something unexpected comes up, just submit what you have. No extensions are given.
  • Emails MUST contain "cps590" or "CPS590" somewhere in the subject (WITH NO SPACES!). Emails without this will not be read or answered.
  • It is best to see professor in class or office hours, as emails are not guaranteed to be answered, as follows:
  • Emails will be answered during office hours, time permitting, in order of arrival (from/to proper accounts as defined below).
  • Emails professor considers no longer (or not) relevant will not be answered.
  • Email must be to: dwoit at torontomu dot ca
  • Email must be to: glaucia at torontomu dot ca
  • Email must be from: your cs account or torontomu.ca account. Email sent to/from any other accounts will not be answered (e.g., gmail).
  • Email questions the professor deems appropriate to the whole class will be answered in Announcements or in class (not via email response).
University Policies Students are required to adhere to all relevant university and departmental policies including those found in D2L and/or on the following URLs: http://torontomu.ca/senate/policies https://www.torontomu.ca/cs/current-undergraduate-students/forms-policies/
Resources Available at TMU
Academic Misconduct Generally for TMU and CS: Academic Misconduct
Specifically for this Course: Course Academic Misconduct
Non-Academic Conduct see TMU Student Code of Non-academic Conduct

Further Course Information:

This is now a common page for all my courses, and is located at http://www.cs.torontomu.ca/~dwoit/courses/courseInfo.html
Modifications to the course procedures will be made in consultation with the course students.

. Check page periodically for modification.

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