Using pure HTML and CSS, I was initially able to use media queries to implement a basic responsive website.
However, when I looked at how Bootstrap uses a grid system for layout of elements, I decided to try a similar approach with CSS to get a better idea of what might be going on.
It required a bit of setup with grid-template-areas and manually setting up how these grid areas should be placed for a given width via a media query - something that came out of the box with Bootstrap.
Adding Bootstrap was very easy by just adding a link to the Bootstrap CSS file in the head of the HTML page.
When it came time to implement that design in Bootstrap, I encountered an issue whereby on desktop size class, with the pure CSS approach I was able to easily have the entire left side be the nav div. I found it much less obvious of how to do this with Bootstrap.
Since Bootstrap is simply providing CSS classes, I could specify 'col-md' to make the nav break for the size I wanted it to break, but realized that the way my CSS is set up, since there are only 2 children (nav and content) each takes up half the screen space, where I only want the nav to take up a small section.
I could still use media queries to change the background colour of the nav for each size class. I can see that Bootstrap is more opinionated than the pure CSS appraoch - for example it has its own default font, margins, the appraoch it takes to layout elements, default breakpoints to swap between size classes.