Dr. Maryam
Department of Computer Science
About Me
Publications 1. Davoudpour, M. ; Despot, S.; Tiwari, M.; Rahnama, H., CANthings: Context-Aware Networks for the Design of Connected Things, the 4th International Conference of Internet of Things (MIT IoT), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, October 2014.

2. Davoudpour, M. ; Masoumi, A. ; Sadeghian, A. ; Rahnama, H., A formal Ontology Alignment for CANthings (Context Aware Network for the Connected Things), 8th International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Apps, Services and Technologies (NGMAST), Oxford, UK, 2014.

3. Davoudpour, M. ; Masoumi, A. ; Sadeghian, A. ; Rahnama, H. , “CANthings”: Context-Aware Networks for the Design of Connected Things, World Automation Congress (WAC), pp. 468 – 473, 2014. DOI: 10.1109/WAC.2014.6936003.

4. A. Abhari., A. G. Bruzzone, P. Kropf , F. Longo , A. O. Solis, L. Riley, M. Davoudpour, "Proceedings of Summer Computer Simulation Conference and Work in Progress (SCSC 2013 and WIP 2013)”, ISBN 978-1-62748-276-9, Simulation series 45(Number 11), 417, SCS and Curran associate Inc., July 2013.

5. A. Abhari A., M. Davoudpour, "Proceedings of Education and Training Modeling & Simulation 2012 (ETMS 2012) ISBN: 978-1-62276-099-2", 14(44), 63, Curran Associates, Inc., Oct 2012.

6.S. Barzegar, M. Davoudpour, A. Sadeghian A Hybrid Approach for Adaptive Car Navigation, Neural Information Processing Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7665, 2012, pp 252-261 © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012.

7. Maryam Davoudpour, Alireza Sadeghian and Igor.V. Rudakov DECOMPOSITION ALGORITHM IN FUNCTIONAL BLOCKS FOR MODELING COMPLEX DISCRETE STRUCTURE, 2011 Summer Simulation Multiconference, The Hague, Netherlands (SummerSim’11).

8.S. Barzegar, M. Davoudpour, MR Meybodi, A. Sadeghian, M.Tirandazian Formalized learning automata with adaptive fuzzy coloured Petri net; an application specific to managing traffic signals,This work is dedicated to Professor Lotfi Zadeh on the occasion of his 90th Birthday. Scientia Iranica, Volume 18, Issue 3, June 2011, Pages 554-565.

9. S. Barzegar, M. Davoudpour, MR Meybodi, A. Sadeghian, M.Tirandazian Traffic Signal Control with Adaptive Fuzzy Coloured Petri Net Based on Learning Automata, NAFIPS 2010, Toronto, Canada.

10. Akbarzadeh, V. Davoudpour, M. Sadeghian, A. Neural network modeling of magnetic hysteresis. Emerging Technologies and factory Automation, ETFA 2008, IEEE International Conference .pp: 1267-1270, 2009.

11.Davoudpour, Maryam,Rudakov I.V. Formal model of a decomposition algorithm for functional block discrete devices. Vestnik Instruments Journal, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russian. Vol. No 1, 2006. – pp. 90-98.

12.Davoudpour,M. Perfection of the complex discrete devices in the Petri Nets. Collected articles from the Microsoft Technologies Conference on the Theory and Practice of Programming, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia, pp. 54-55. 2006.

13.Davoudpour, Maryam, Rudakov, I.V. Decomposition method for the study of discrete devices.Journal of Information Technologies. Moscow, Russia, Vol. No 2, pp. 44-49. 2006

14.Davoudpour, Maryam. The simulation experiments on discrete devices formalized in the form of PETRI NETS / / Abstract ninth scientific-practice seminars in new Information Technology in automated systems. Moscow, Russia, pp. 174-175. 2006

15.Davoudpour, Maryam. The software study of discrete devices. Compilation of research papers of PhD candidates, graduates and students, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia, pp. 121-126. 2005

16.Davoudpour, Maryam. Decomposition of discrete systems with visual programming. Collected articles from the Microsoft Technologies Conference on the Theory and Practice of Programming, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia, pg. 47. 2005

17.Davoudpour, Maryam. Classification of decomposition discrete devices. Journal of Informatics and Control Systems in the 21 Century; Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia, Vol. No 2, pp. 171-173. 2004