Ryerson University:CRESSET
Assistant Professor of Software Engineering
Ph.D. in Software Engineering, Queen's University, 2010
M.S. in Computer science,
University of Jordan, 2002
BSc in Computer Science, Hasemite University, 1999
Phone: 416-979-5000 ext. 4876
Email: Prof M.Alalfi Email
Address: Ryerson University, Computer Science Department
Bara' received his MSc from Ryerson in 2020, and his BSc in computer science from the University of Jordan in 2017. he is specalized in security of IoT apps from a program analysis point of view. focusing on static analyses
Email: Bara' Email
Thesis Title: An Automated Approach for Privacy Leakage Identification in IoT Apps
Graduated: Summer 2020
Joined CRESSET Lab in Fall 2020 as a PhD student, obtained her MSc. from university of Jordan
Email: Lobna's Email
PhD Thesis title: TBD
Recived her MSc. in 2020 from Ryerson's Computer Science Department under the supervision of Prof. M.Alalfi. Currently a PhD student @ CRESSET Lab!
Email: Hajra's Email
MSc. Thesis title: Predicting Vulnerabilities in IoT Applications Using Deep Learning (Graduated Summer 2020)
PhD. Thesis title: TBD
Noama received her B.Tech. in Information Technology from the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University in Hyderabad, Telangana in 2014 and her M.S. in Applied Computer Science from East Tennessee State University in 2017. Her research interests include program analysis for cybersecurity, security vulnerabilities in software engineering. Currently, her research focuses on Ethereum Smart Contracts based on Blockchain Technology. Apart from research, she enjoys reading. .
Email: Noama's Email
PhD Thesis Topic: Security Engineering for Blockchain
Omar is currently a PhD student at Queen's ECE Department co-suervised by Profs. Manar Alalfi and Thomas Dean
Email: Omar's Email
Thesis Title: Detection of Feature Interaction in Dynamic Scripting Languages
Jian Chen, recived his MSc and PhD form queen's School of Computing. He was co-suervised by Profs. Manar Alalfi and Thomas Dean
Email: Jian's Email
Title: Finding Failures in Real-Time Systems UsingRealistic Model Scheduling
Graduated: Fall 2020
Bara' received his MSc from Ryerson in 2020, and his BSc in computer science from the University of Jordan in 2017. he is specalized in security of IoT apps from a program analysis point of view. focusing on static analyses
Email: Bara' Email
Thesis Title: An Automated Approach for Privacy Leakage Identification in IoT Apps
Graduated: Summer 2020
Atheer received her BSc. in Computer Science from the University of Jordan in 2017. She is currently pursuing her MSc. in the Computer Science department at Ryerson University. Her current research is in the fields of software engineering and cyber security. Adapting software engineering techniques, such as static analysis and semantic annotations, to analyze Internet of Things frameworks for malicious behavior. Atheer is co-supervised by Dr. Ali Miri. .
Email: Atheer's Email
MSc. Thesis Title: Automated Identification of Over-Privileged SmartThings Apps
Graduated: Fall 2020
Abdul received his B.S. in Computer Science from "University of Karachi" in 2014. He is currently pursuing his MS in Computer Science at Ryerson University. His research interests focus on Cybersecurity in Android Automotive. Apart from research, in his spare time he enjoys playing cricket and table tennis.
Email: Abdul E-mail
MSc. Thesis Topic: Security Analysis for Automotive Infotainment Apps
Graduated: Fall 2020
Joined CRESSET as a Mitacs Globalink intern in Summer 2018, He worked on a project for Security analysis for IoT. He is currently an MSc. Student at BauhausUniversität Weimar
Sajeda received her B. Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering from Bangladesh University of Professionals under Military Institute for Science and Technology in 2012. She is researching on building an automated mutation framework for evaluating security analysis tools in IoT(Internet of Things) applications. .
Email: Sajeda's Email
Thesis Title A Mutation Framework for Evaluating Security Analysis tools in IoT Applications
Graduated: Summer 2020
A recent PhD graduate from Queen's School of computing
Email: Rahma's Email
Title: Migrating SQL-basedWeb Applications to Document Oriented NoSQL Applications
Graduated: Winter 2020
Jian Chen received the MSc Degree in computer science form Queen’s University in 2014. He haw worked as a software developer for many years. He is pursuing a Ph,D. degree at Queen’s University. .
Thesis Title: Clone Detection in Matlab Stateflow Models
Graduated: Summer 2014
Thesis Title: An approach to clone detection in sequence diagrams and its application to security analysis
Graduated: Summer 2014
Ph.D. thesis, Topic: A framework for migrating web applications to web services, Queen’s University (2nd Supervisor with Prof. Jim Cordy and Prof. Thomas Dean) (Employer: Assistant Professor, Kuwait University)
Graduated: Winter 2012
Recived her BSc. form Queen's School of Computing, worked as an intern for NECSIS project 2014, assisted in developing SimNav (Employer: Product Manager at Encircle)
Recived his BSc. form Queen's School of Computing, worked as an intern for NECSIS project 2013, assisted in developing SimNav (Employer: Mobile Developer at HomeX)