2014 Ilkka Kokkarinen, ilkka.kokkarinen@gmail.com. Requires Java to run.
The Java program generates random pieces of abstract art. Use the mouse button to move to the next art piece, and the middle mouse button to switch between the Hilbert Curve, RGB, metallic Grayscale and HSB colour models. The right mouse button can be used to save the source code that generated the image, and you can open it in text editor to tweak it around.
You can use the control panel to adjust the probabilities of the various types of nodes in the tree that determines the art. The button "Load Textures" allows you to include image files and folders to be used as leaf nodes to generate the art. Simply select a folder to recursively read all the images in its subfolders. The button "Load Source" loads the image source code from a file.
The source code is available in the jar file RandomArt.jar (DropBox link).
Some example images of the sort of art this program creates: