Academic Misconduct |
As a TMU student, you are responsible for familiarizing yourself with all TMU conduct policies.
According to TMU Policy 60,
academic misconduct includes, but not limited to:
- Plagiarism which is the claiming of words, ideas, artistry, drawings or data of another
person. This also includes submitting your own work in whole or in part for credit in two or
more courses.
- Cheating
- Misrepresentation of personal identity or performance
- Submission of false information
- Contributing to academic misconduct
- Damaging, tampering, or interfering with the scholarly environment
- Unauthorized copying or use of copyrighted materials
- Violations of departmental policies or professional behavior
- Violations of specific departmental or course requirements
This page gives more specific information about Academic Misconduct:
and notes it includes, but is not limited to:
- offering, giving, sharing or selling questions and/or answers to tests or exams, quizzes or other assignments unless
authorized to do so;
- allowing work to be copied during an examination, test or for other assignments.
- Note that Dr. Woit does NOT give any authorization for anything mentioned in TMU Policy 60, or at any
official TMU
webpage relating to Academic Misconduct, such as the one above.
This page (under the "Academic Policy" tab/box) provides Department of Computer Science Policies
on Academic Misconduct, which are additional to the Senate's:
The policy includes these statements:
- "both cheating and attempted cheating be treated severely"
- "cheating in any form on an evaluation should result in an automatic zero mark on that
evaluation and in general also result in a substantive additional academic penalty"
- "any penalty applied against a student for ... academic misconduct ... should clearly exceed in
magnitude any potential academic gain that student might expect to obtain from the offence. This is
akin to the idea that a suitable punishment for a bank robber should exceed simply requiring the
robber to return the stolen money."
Thus, the minimum penalty is a zero on the work in question, plus, in general, a substantive
additional academic penalty (e.g., course grade of F), plus those imposed by the
Academic Integrity Office.