
F2024 Assessments and Grading Scheme

Toronto Metropolitan University University

Type Title Handed out
(on D2L)
Due Weight Team size Late
Topics Learned
Lab 1 Introduction to VS IDE September 3 September 13 5% 1 Progressive Intro to VS: forms, controls, event-driven programming.
Assignment TBA September 10 October 11 10% 1 Progressive VB built-in and user-defined controls, OOP.
Modules VB Features October 8 October 28 10% 1 Progressive Misc. VB techniques for prototyping direct man. U.I.s.
Lab 2 Project Requirements September 17 September 30 10% 3 or 4 -100% Integration of usability issues in software lifecycle.
Lab 3 Project Design October 1 October 18 10% Progressive
Lab 4 Formative Evaluation October 22 (1) October 28 5% -100%
Lab 5 Usability Testing Plan October 1 November 4 5% -100%
Lab 6 Usability Testing November 11 to 22 (1) November 25 10% -100%
Project Project Prototype October 1
  1. Initial - Nov 8 at 10am
  2. For testing - See D2L
  3. Final - Nov 25
10% -100%
Upgraded Project Project Prototype Optional prototype resubmission starts on Nov 26 TBA (as late as feasible for grading) 10%(2) -100%
Final Exam Heuristic Evaluation Final Exam in person during exam period. Question bank already posted 15% 1 -100% Cognitive science and usability guidelines

(1) Please note that labs 4 and 6 will be done in teams with classmates as subjects during the lab period, and due a few days later.
It will not be possible to reschedule these lab activities, and therefore you will need to attend these lab sessions in order to get lab marks! Attendance will be taken to enforce this requirement.

(2) The grade recorded for the Upgraded Project (worth 10% of the total course grade) will be the maximum of the grade for that resubmission and the grade on Project. In other words, if the Upgraded Project is not resubmitted, or the grade on that resubmission is less than the grade on the Project submitted by November 27, then the Project will simply be worth 20% of the total course grade.

Late Penalties

When late work is accepted (i.e. the late penalty is not -100%), the late penalty will be a progressive flat one as follows: School days are Monday, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursday, and Fridays, whether or not they are holidays. For example, an assignment due on a particular Friday would have a late penalty of -5/100 marks if the assignment is handed in on the Saturday, Sunday, or Monday right after (even if the Monday is a statutory holiday), -10/100 marks if the assignment is handed in on the Tuesday, and so on.
Late penalty for work marked out of something other than 100 is prorated from the above formula.

How to submit work

All the work in this course is submitted in D2L except for a few exceptions: For work done in teams, only a single submission is necessary for the entire team: the D2L folders for project related work have been set up for group submissions.

All assessments other than the modules will only allow a single file to be submitted. You can submit the same file as often as you want. However, only the latest copy will be graded. This will affect late penalties.

To submit a Visual Studio program, zip the entire VB folder into one zip file and submit that zip file in D2L. For the project prototypes, give your file the same name as your team. For example team B3 would submit their project prototype as B3.zip.

This page is maintained by Sophie Quigley (cps613@cs.torontomu.ca)
Last modified Friday, 23-Aug-2024 21:35:27 EDT