
VB .NET Techniques and References

Toronto Metropolitan University University


Table of Contents

General Graphics Information

All the features described on this page use the Drawing2D package of .NET. Therefore, classes which use these features must import this package with the following statement at the beginning of the class file:
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D

General information about how to change the look of a control can be found at the MSDN Custom Control Painting and Rendering page.

Drawing Lines

The simplest way to draw on a control is in the OnPaint method for that control. This is because this method will be automatically called whenever the control is refreshed, which can happen automatically for a variety of reasons but can also be made to happen programmatically by calling the Refresh Method.

The OnPaint method is passed a parameter e, of type PaintEventArgs which has a Graphics property containing a Graphics object which is used to draw or paint onto the control. Therefore the simplest approach to drawing on a control is to draw on the Graphics object which is passed to the control in its OnPaint method, as shown here.

To draw on the graphics object, simply use one of its methods. Note that some of these methods, such as DrawCurve, DrawLines, and DrawPolygon, require an array of points from which to draw. If you are defining this array dynamically, you will need to change the size of the array dynamically. If you decide to use the ReDim statement, you should be aware that it is somewhat counterintuitive because the parameters represent the last index of the array and not the size:

	ReDim arrayname(-1) as Integer 'arrayname now has 0 elements
	ReDim arrayname(0) as Integer 'arrayname now has 1 elements and the last index is 0
	ReDim arrayname(10) as Integer 'arrayname now has 11 elements and the last index is 10

Shaping Controls

All objects have a Region Property which desctibes the region of that control where painting is allowed and where mouse events are detected. By default, this region is rectangular of size defined in the Size property of the control, and encompasses the entire control.

The shape (and therefore effective size) of a control can be changed by changing that property which is of type Region As you can see, one of the Region constructors can construct a region out of a GraphicsPath which is a series of connected graphs and lines. The add methods of the GraphicsPath class can be used to add shapes such as ellipses, rectangles and polygons to a GraphicsPath.

Therefore to change the shape of a control to be anything other than a rectangle, you must

  1. Create a GraphicsPath for that control (e.g. mypath) and shape it as a series of lines, curves, polygons, etc. depending on what you want the shape to be.
  2. Create a new Region (e.g. myregion for that control based on that path:
    myregion = New Region(mypath)
  3. Set the control's region to be that region:
    Me.Region = myregion
If you are defining a user defined control such that all the instances of that control have the same size and shape, then it makes sense to define the region as a class variable once (with the qualifier Shared in the definition and have the Region of all the instances point to that class variable.

Copying Images

Another way to create some graphics in a control is to copy a whole or part of an image into this control. In this case you would
  1. Create the Graphics object from scratch as a bitmap as explained here
  2. Use the Graphics.DrawImage methods to draw into into it. Note that this method is overloaded with many options depending on what you want to do.


.NET has a Color class which is used to work with colours.

This page is maintained by Sophie Quigley (cps613@cs.torontomu.ca)
Last modified Thursday, 20-Oct-2022 20:25:15 EDT