
W2025 Midterm Exam

Toronto Metropolitan University University

Worth: 25%

Friday March 14 from 7:00PM to 9:00PM

Date, Time and Location

The midterm will be held on campus on Friday March 14 from 7:00PM to 9:00PM. Classrooms will open at 6:30PM. The classrooms will be posted here once they are known.

Structure and Format

This midterm is in person and on paper. The format is very similar to the posted past in-person exams (see below), but the questions are different.


You can bring a formula sheet to the exam: one doubled-sided letter-sized page of paper with anything that you want on it, as long as it is 2D: definitions, formulas, drawings, whatever you think will help you. You can print this page or write it by hand. It can be black and white or colour. You may not use any additional tools to read it. No other aids are allowed, in particular no calculators or devices such as phones.


Like the labs, this exam will be graded using CrowdMark. However, the submission process is different: Each of your paper exam will have a uniquely identifiable scan code, and will be collected at the end of the exam, just like any other exam on paper. Once the exam is over, all the exams will be scanned and uploaded into Crowdmark. After that, the electronic grading and feedback processes are the same as for the labs. The Crowdmark Notice of Collection describes the collection and scanning process and the associated policy on protecting your privacy under FIPPA.

Material Covered in the Exam

The material covered is all the material covered in the lectures from the beginning of the term until the end of graph theory. This material is in the D2L content modules 1 and 2.

It includes but is not limited to

  • Textbook Chapters 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 5.7
  • 4th Edition textbook Chapters 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.5, 10.6
  • 5th Edition textbook Chapters 1.4, 4.9. 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5
  • the assumed MTH110 knowledge in the Comments column.
  • material covered in Labs 1 to 5.

Studying for the exam

In addition to the lecture notes and textbook, there are three resources you can use to study for the exams: old exams, labs and their solutions, and practice exercises.

  • Posted past in-person exams can be useful. Even though the exams were structured differently prior to the pandemic, exercises in past exams are valuable in that they provide good practice questions and also give a sense of the level of difficulty expected during exams in this course. Note that starting in W24, minimum spanning trees are no longer covered in this course because they are part of the cps305 curriculum.

  • The labs in this course are slightly challenging and are meant to make you reflect more deeply on the material presented. As you can see from the posted old exams, exam questions will be slightly less challenging because they are time-limited, and are intended to evaluate a more fundamental understanding of the material. Nevertheless, it is recommended that you review the solutions to the first four labs as the iteration process and proof structure are relevant for the midterm. Solutions to the fifth lab will unfortunately not be posted before the midterm, but this lab is also a good practice for the exam.

  • Textbook practice exercises are also useful.

This page is maintained by Sophie Quigley (cps420@cs.torontomu.ca)
Last modified Saturday, 11-Jan-2025 23:47:17 EST