CPS 412
Social Issues, Ethics and Professionalism
Videos Supporting Lectures
The Ryerson lecture notes are available in Adobe PDF reader from the course shell. You can get to the course shell through my.ryerson.ca.
Videos presented in each week of class are presented below.
Computer Scientists as Catalysts
(ends at end of computation)
Alex's research environment
Computer Science changes everything (from Code.org)
Promethius and Pandora: Greek Myths
Surprised Kitty
The first ever completely computer-controlled landing of a commercial jet
Ethical Dilemma: Self-driving cars
Self-serve checkout comedy sketch
The rise of robots will change work
Normal slide rule
Watch slide rule
Russian peasant multiplication
Tally sticks
Human computers
Quantum computers
Google's quantum computer
Continued from week 1
(starts at beginning of communication)
How the telegraph changed communications
From Alexander Graham Bell to the iPhone
The eagle has landed - Landing the Apollo 11 on the moon
Introduction to TCP/IP
A brief history of digital data
Russian interference in the 2016 US federal election
Cambridge Analytica Scandal
Predicting the surveillance state in 1973
The NSA, PRISM and Edward Snowden
Obama spying on Americans
Introduction to Ethics (Part 1)
Dilbert and corporate ethics
Can liberals survive the apocolypse
Modifying the DNA of humans
Ethics vs morals
The trolly problem
Remote control BB gun
Predator drone ground control station operations
Euthyphro dilemma and divine command theory
Ethical Egoism and Ayn Rand
Wimpy's promise
Wimpy's promise experiment
3 minutes of Kant
Introduction to Ethics (Part 2)
Deductive Reasoning--She's a witc!
Utilitarianism in under 4 minutes
Can you measure happiness?
The happiness patrol
Act vs. Rule Utilitarianism
The Blaster worm
The Nachi worm
Social Contract
Thomas Hobbes
Jean-Jacques Rousseu
The Veil of Ignorance - John Rawls
The Difference Principle
Virtue Signaling
Batman vs. The Joker
Virtue Ethics
Fallacy Examples
Moral vs. Legal